About: admin

Recent Posts by admin

A Blog About A Blog


In our experience, blogging is one of the most effective ways for companies with non-retail professional services and/ or industrial products to gain customers online, and support and retain existing customers. A blog that informs customers/ clients about your services, strategies and policies that can be adopted by them, product and service benefits or problems, Continue Reading

Web Security Is Simple


Hacking is an everyday occurrence, unfortunately, in our online “Internet of Everything” society today. Many large companies and government departments are highly aware of the vulnerability of their databases and ongoing security of their communication platforms. These organisations have the resources and skill set to handle and, more importantly, prevent hacking.  Even so, we see Continue Reading

Grants are Good for Business if Properly Structured


The federal government has made 484.2 million available to a fund called entrepreneurs’ infrastructure programme to help Australian businesses grow and innovate. As a consultant, like most consultants in Australia and western countries , major client relationships with the government is necessary to achieve grants that are always available for the industrial and service sectors Continue Reading

Your Website as a Selling Tool


In previous blogs we have talked about the website as a selling tool. A selling tool is an important part of a business because nothing happens until there is a sale. As a selling tool the website should be able to take customers from awareness through to Action to Awareness in a step commonly known Continue Reading

Population Maturity Is a Real Problem NOW

In 2013, 31.5% of Australia’s population was under 24 years of age. This is a high dependency market and although they are major consumers, many of them are still not working and many of them are casual workers if they are working. They are therefore a drain on the economy in terms of taking education Continue Reading

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