
Comedge has a full portfolio of products and services for businesses, government agencies, councils and not-for-profits wishing to optimise their presence and performance on the Internet.

While developing websites is in our DNA, and an essential part of our core business, we take a market-driven approach to developing websites that form the basis of an integrated total organisation communication platform.

We add to this the benefit of over 40 years of traditional marketing experience, especially strategies involving positioning, market differentiation and segmentation, customer relationships and traditional selling techniques that assist the website to gain the client’s attention and make contact through calls to action.

The result is that our websites mirror our marketing and business strategies, and target profile customer groups with whom our clients wish to deal and focus.


Communication Platform & Website Gallery


Additional services include:

Domain selection, clustering & selection
Hosting services, including CMS tuition and control
Tracking & monitoring website unique visitations – Google Analytics, etc.
Search engine optimisation
Social media linkages & integration
Pay per Click campaigns & online email marketing
Online strategy planning
Full market support, including micro sites for segmentation fulfilment
Copy & visual enhancement services
Web maintenance & upgrading facilities
E-Commerce planning as a core integration into Market Plans

For further information please contact us on

Phone: 61 3 9853 1899
Fax:61 3 9853 1103
Email: comedge@comedge.com.au